Welcome to this exciting lesson where we’ll delve into the world of operators and expressions in Python. Understanding how to use operators is fundamental to writing powerful and expressive code. Let’s explore arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators, and learn how to build meaningful expressions in Python.

Arithmetic Operators:

1. Addition (+):

2. Subtraction (-):

3. Multiplication (*):

4. Division (/):

5. Modulus (%):

Comparison Operators:

6. Equal to (==):

7. Not Equal to (!=):

8. Greater than (>):

9. Less than (<):

Logical Operators:

10. AND (and):

11. OR (or):

12. NOT (not):

Building Expressions:

Now that we understand these operators, let’s combine them to build meaningful expressions:

# Example Expression
total_cost = price * quantity - discount
is_affordable = total_cost < budget and available_in_stock

In this example, we calculate the total cost considering the price, quantity, and discount. Then, we check if the total cost is within the budget and if the item is available in stock.

Practice Exercise:

Create a Python script that calculates the area of a rectangle. Ask the user for the length and width, and then use the appropriate operators to compute the area.

# Example Practice Exercise
length = float(input("Enter the length of the rectangle: "))
width = float(input("Enter the width of the rectangle: "))
area = length * width
print("The area of the rectangle is:", area)


In this lesson, we’ve covered arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators, and explored how to build expressions in Python. Practice using these operators, and feel free to ask questions in the discussion forum. Now, let’s move on to the next lesson with a solid understanding of Python’s powerful operators!