Creating, retrieving, and deleting cookies

Managing user preferences with cookies


The objective of this lesson is to introduce learners to the concept of cookies in PHP. By the end of this lesson, participants should be able to:


2.1 Understanding Cookies

2.1.1 Introduction

Cookies are small pieces of data stored on the client’s browser, providing a way to persist information between web pages. In PHP, developers can create, retrieve, and delete cookies to enhance the user experience.

2.1.2 How Cookies Work

Explain the basic mechanism of how cookies work, including how they are sent from the server to the client and included in subsequent HTTP requests.

2.2 Creating, Retrieving, and Deleting Cookies

2.2.1 Creating Cookies

Demonstrate how to set a cookie in PHP using the setcookie() function. Cookies can store information such as user preferences or session data.

// Example of creating a cookie
setcookie('user_id', '123', time() + 3600, '/');

2.2.2 Retrieving Cookies

Illustrate how to retrieve the value of a cookie using the $_COOKIE superglobal.

// Example of retrieving a cookie
$userID = $_COOKIE['user_id'];
echo "User ID: " . $userID;

2.2.3 Deleting Cookies

Explain how to delete a cookie by setting its expiration time to a past date.

// Example of deleting a cookie
setcookie('user_id', '', time() - 3600, '/');

2.3 Managing User Preferences with Cookies

2.3.1 Storing User Preferences

Show how cookies can be used to store and retrieve user preferences, such as theme choices or language selections.

// Example of storing user preferences in a cookie
$theme = 'dark';
setcookie('user_theme', $theme, time() + 3600, '/');

2.3.2 Retrieving User Preferences

Demonstrate how to retrieve and apply user preferences in subsequent page loads.

// Example of retrieving and applying user preferences
$userTheme = isset($_COOKIE['user_theme']) ? $_COOKIE['user_theme'] : 'default';
echo "Selected Theme: " . $userTheme;

2.4 Best Practices and Security Considerations

2.4.1 Cookie Security

Discuss best practices for securing cookies, including using secure and HttpOnly flags, and avoiding sensitive data in cookies.

// Example of setting secure and HttpOnly flags
setcookie('user_id', '123', time() + 3600, '/', '', true, true);

2.4.2 Cookie Expiry and Domain

Explain considerations for setting cookie expiry times and specifying the domain to manage cookie scope.

// Example of setting cookie expiry time and domain
setcookie('user_id', '123', time() + 3600, '/', '');

2.5 Practice Exercise


  1. Create a User Preference Form:
    • Develop an HTML form that allows users to select preferences such as language and theme.
    • Process the form using PHP to set cookies with the selected preferences.
  2. Display User Preferences:
    • Create a PHP page that retrieves and displays the user’s stored preferences.
  3. Update User Preferences:
    • Extend the form to allow users to update their preferences.
    • Implement the PHP logic to update the corresponding cookies.
  4. Logout and Clear Preferences:
    • Create a logout feature that deletes relevant cookies and redirects users to the login page.

Create a User Preference Form:

<!-- preference_form.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>User Preference Form</title>
    <form action="process_preferences.php" method="post">
        <label for="language">Language:</label>
        <select name="language">
            <option value="english">English</option>
            <option value="spanish">Spanish</option>
            <option value="french">French</option>

        <label for="theme">Theme:</label>
        <select name="theme">
            <option value="light">Light</option>
            <option value="dark">Dark</option>

        <button type="submit">Save Preferences</button>

Process User Preferences:

// process_preferences.php

    $language = $_POST['language'] ?? 'english';
    $theme = $_POST['theme'] ?? 'light';

    // Set cookies with selected preferences
    setcookie('user_language', $language, time() + 3600, '/');
    setcookie('user_theme', $theme, time() + 3600, '/');

    header('Location: display_preferences.php');

Display User Preferences:

// display_preferences.php

// Retrieve user preferences from cookies
$userLanguage = $_COOKIE['user_language'] ?? 'english';
$userTheme = $_COOKIE['user_theme'] ?? 'light';

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>User Preferences</title>
    <h1>User Preferences</h1>
    <p>Language: <?php echo ucfirst($userLanguage); ?></p>
    <p>Theme: <?php echo ucfirst($userTheme); ?></p>
    <a href="preference_form.html">Update Preferences</a>

Logout and Clear Preferences:

// logout.php

// Delete relevant cookies
setcookie('user_language', '', time() - 3600, '/');
setcookie('user_theme', '', time() - 3600, '/');

// Redirect to the login page
header('Location: login.html');

Additional Notes:

This practice exercise allows learners to implement a practical scenario involving user preferences and cookie management in PHP.